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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0357

描       述:A virtuous man placed in an insignificant post is considered to be a mistake made by the ruler. An unvirtuous man placed in a senior post is considered to be a misjudgment made by a ruler. One would rather have wronged a superior person than to have employed a petty person, for a superior person will not harbor strong resentments but a petty person with power will cause farreaching disasters. Scroll 32: Guan Zi(譯:故德厚而位卑者,謂之過;德薄而位尊者,謂之失。寧過於君子,而無失於小人。過於君子,其為怨淺矣;失於小人,其為禍深矣。(卷三十二 管子))





