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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0315

描       述:Confucius said: "The faithfulness that a superior person has shown in serving his parents can be applied to serving his leader; the reverence that he holds in serving his elder siblings can be applied to serving his superior; the well-regulated operation of his family can be applied to good government in any official position. Therefore, when a person is accustomed to filial and fraternal duties at home, he can venture to start a career and establish his name with future generations." Scroll 9: Xiao Jing(譯:子曰:「君子之事親孝,故忠可移於君;事兄悌,故順可移於長;居家理,故治可移於官。是以行成於內,而名立於後世矣。」(卷九 孝經))





